There is about 500 000 IT professionals in France . India and China ‘manufacture’ each year 1 000 000 IT graduates. Let alone the United States where information technologies attract the best talents due to the job opportunities promised by the Silicon Valley or the Route 128 in Massachusetts .
While information technologies are becoming the growth driver of our economies, it is important for France to equip itself with first-rate education in that area, able to attract the best talents of their generation.
One of the crucial objectives of the alliance between Ecole Centrale de Paris and Ecole Supérieure d’Electricité is precisely to favour the development of such first-rate curricula at global level.
The book you have in hand allows bridging technology and business by adopting a systemic vision. This approach is specific to the French school; it is in line with what we are developing at Ecole Centrale de Paris. Its reading will interest both the practitioners and the students who wish to acquire robust competences in corporate IT.
Hervé Biausser, Director of Ecole Centrale de Paris